Teseo was born in 1999 thanks to the initiative of experts in educational processes who decided to form a company that would be able to enhance the common and consolidated experience in training and Life Long Learning, cooperating with many universities (Florence, Siena, Padova, Parma) and personalities engaged in teaching and research. Teseo operates as research and development body of applied teaching and as an independent culture center, planning training events, seminars, masters and workshop for many kind of recipients, from the system of the companies, working in a team with the client and developing highly customized specific solutions, until the teachers, educators. In 2013, Teseo has also founded the business unit called “Teseo Infanzia” with the purpose to enhance the design skills acquired over the years and apply them within the educational services for children and educational institution.
- Sonia Ceramicola – ceramicola@teseofor.it
- Claudio Paoli – agenziaformativa@teseofor.it
- Adele Gamabassi – agenziaformativa2@teseofor.it